Sep 20Liked by Check the Facts!

Your point about MP has definitely been proven; however, I beg you never stop ripping it to shreds

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Haha this comment gave me a good chuckle. I will keep going as long as there is content to rip apart!

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I once very much enjoyed Michael Hobbes. The title of his series "You're Wrong About" demonstrates why. He made me feel enlightened, not about things _I'd_ been wrong about - ho, ho, no - but about things _everyone else_ was wrong about!

The wide-ranging topics of that series invited Gell-Mann Amnesia. Now he's working on a prolonged series about one topic, and it's been startling to discover experts in the field taking his work apart in detail.

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Thanks for reading and commenting, Charlotte! I actually have not heard of Gell-Mann Amnesia before but this phenomenon is very applicable to the Michael Hobbes universe! Thank you for teaching me something new. :)

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